# Artful Coding WT2022 Session 1 - 5. Oct. 2022, 17:00-18:30 ## 17:00 , 20min : arrival phase / Agents of P.L.A.Y A short analog game to get to know each other. People are handed out a sheet of paper with instructions and can start to play. If other people come in later, they still can easily join. ## 17:20 , 15min : Intro of lecturer & course outline A short introduction about the lecturer and their approach. Overview of the course sessions and how they will work. (Grading will be discussed later on) ## 17:35 , 25min : Sociogramme Lecturer asks questions and people use the physical space to position themselves, while coordinating with other participants on where which positions are. After each question the lecturer ask the groups of participants what their position represents. Questions: * When did you visit your first course at dieAngewandte? * How much XP do you have with HTML & CSS? * How much XP do you have with JS? * How many hours a week (on average) do you invest/waste/inwaste in gaming? * Did you already create a digital game once? * Did you already create an analog game? * Peanut butter if jelly? * Coding-related courses visited at the Angewandte? * Would you rather prefer in-person or remote classes for this course? * ... open for participant questions ... ## 18:00 , 15min : Expectation round Think about the following questions (3 min single work): What do you expect of / want from: * the course contents/topics * yourself and the class participants * the lecturer Statement round: * name * what make you choose this course * what you would like to improve on most within this course ## 18:15 , 10min : Management of expectations & notes on grading Lecturer picks up on the statements from the expectation round and provides some insights into what we will be able to do (and what not) within this course. The main focus is aligning expectations with available time investments. 2 ECTS is very little, to learn and practice coding and game dev. Outcomes will depends on whether and how much people want/can invest into the course beyond the necessary. As noted in the announcement the grading will be based on: * 20%: Attendance & active participation * 40%: Coding exercises * 40%: Final mini project For ease of calculations participants will be able to gather a total of 100 points, consisting of: 20 points for attendance, where the second half of the semester is weighted more: * 1 point each for the 4 basic sessions ("Basics Refresher \*" and "Entry Level Challenge") * 2 points each for the 8 advanced sessions ("Advanced Javascript", "Prototype [1|2]") 40 points for 3 coding exercises: * 30 points for the fizz-buzz example (entry level challenge) * 5 points each for reimplementing the typing game and the memory game 40 points for the final mini project: * 20 points for submitting a modified version of one of the prototypes * 10 points for a logic change/extension in the game prototype * 10 points for a creative change/extension in the game prototype Deadlines for submissions: * entry level challenge: end of Nov * protoype 1: end of Dec * prototype 2: end of Jan * final project: end of Feb (with optional extension for 1 month, on request) Your final grade then will be based on the total points you got in the course: * 80-100 points: 1 * 70-80 points: 2 * 60-70 points: 3 * 50-60 points: 4 * 0-50 points: 5 A grading tool will be available from November onwards. There you can check your progress. You will receive your personal credentials after submitting the entry level challenge. ## 18:25 , 5min : Open questions + notes on tooling In the next session we will start with a quick recap of HTML basics as well as a suggestion for tooling withing the course. For those who want to skip the first basic sessions, here are some notes on what we will use within the course: * Web browsers: Firefox and Chromium, and the web dev tools * IDEs: VisualStudio Code (WebStorm is fine too, Atom as well, but unfortunately M$ decided to end it with Dec. 2022) * a base scaffold folder, containing: - index.html scaffold - styles.css - main.js - assets/ folder * Optional: keep devdocs.io in a pinned browser tab * base cloud folders for this course to submit exercises * base chat group for this course to communicate apart from mails --- This page is part of the course website at https://tantemalkah.at/artful-coding All contents, where not otherwise noted, are licensed by [Andrea Ida Malkah Klaura](https://tantemalkah.at/) under a [CC-BY-SA 4.0 license](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/?ref=chooser-v1).