# Artful Coding WT2022 Closing Session - 25 Jan. 2023, 17:00-18:30 ## Arrival and feedback reflection (30min) Using pen and (flip chart) paper we will reflect on the following questions: * Which parts of the course have you enjoyed most? * What would have helped you (even more) to get started with web programming and to keep in sync with the course? * Icon / Emoji / Symbol describing this course best Additionally there will be diagrams on flip chart paper at the walls, in which participants can put a symbol of their own to answer the following questions: * Amount of time I invested vs. what I expected I would have to invest: * Amount of time I invested vs. what I wanted to invest: * Given unimaginable amounts of time (appearing magically out of nothing): would you want to do more game dev/design now? * How likely is it that you will also attend Artful Coding 2 in summer semester? We then also do a reflection round where everyone can tell how their experience in this course was throughout the semester. ## Final project discussion (25min) We discuss the requirements for the final project and do a collective brainstorming of what different creative or logic changes to any of our two prototypes could be. The final project should be an extension of either the typing game or the memory game prototype. This does not have to be a lot, as the time available according to the ECTS breakdown is only 10 hours - which can go by blazingly fast if you try to implement only a small thing. But it should be a bit more than just changing the styling (which was the minimal requirement for the exercises, you ideally already did before). If you already did more than that for one of the game prototype exercises, and think this could count as a final project submission as well, please just send me an e-mail. The 40 points for the final project will be distributed as following: * 20 points for minimum requirement: submit something that minimally extends the prototype beyond only styling changes * 10 points for a game logic change/extension: something that changes how the game works - i.e. you have to open a tripple or quadrupel instead of a pain in memory, or the typing changes (e.g. type in reverse, or only every other word, or along the quote itself) * 10 points for a creative change/extension: something that changes the makeup of the game items or assets, or provides additional feedback, like sounds, animations, videos, or e.g. using pictures/photos instead of emojis in the memory game, or providing an audio sample of the quotes in the typing game. Generally I suggest to take an hour or so to think about ideas, what could be different (and what also seems to not make a huge effort in terms of coding and/or content creation). And then try to implement it. In case of doubt I always count the effort as well, even if it does not work out in the end as you have expected. Just add comments in the code for what you would have liked to do, but that it did not work out / you could not find a solution within the time scope for this project. ## Game Jam announcement (10min) The [Global Game Jam 2023](https://globalgamejam.org) is taking place next week, and similar to last year, there is again a [jam site hosted by the Experimental Game Culture department](https://globalgamejam.org/2023/jam-sites/experimental-game-cultures-universit%C3%A4t-f%C3%BCr-angewandte-kunst-wien). We will also shortly discuss the idea of a small game jam of our own after Artful Coding 2, as well how to attend game jams in general. ## Open closing (25min) Discussing the optional session next week and anything else that is still open or unclear. Also a short teaser on Artful Coding 2. --- This page is part of the course website at https://tantemalkah.at/artful-coding All contents, where not otherwise noted, are licensed by [Andrea Ida Malkah Klaura](https://tantemalkah.at/) under a [CC-BY-SA 4.0 license](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/?ref=chooser-v1).